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Floor Plan Creator for PC

Floor Plan Creator for PC

Floor Plan Creator lets you create, edit and share floor plans easily.
Floor Plan Creator PC screenshot

Creating Your Dream Space with Floor Plan Creator

Floor Plan Creator makes it easy to design your own space, from cozy apartments to dream houses. It's a handy tool that can help anyone, from aspiring architects to people just wanting to rearrange their furniture. Let's take a closer look at some of its most useful features.

Easy to Use

Floor Plan Creator is user-friendly. Once you go through the tutorial, you'll find it simple to lay out a snapshot of each floor based on existing drawings. You can build walls and rooms over these drawings with ease. This makes planning layouts for home construction straightforward and fun.

Furniture and Fixtures

The app lets you add furniture and fixtures to your designs. You can drop in pieces of furniture to see if they fit in your space. This feature is excellent for deciding where things should go in real life, helping you visualize how your rooms will look. While the app already includes many furniture pieces, adding more options for gym furniture, supermarket needs, and diagonal objects would be a welcome addition.

Customization Options

Customization in Floor Plan Creator is another strong point. You can adjust the height of main walls, design roofs, and even create pools. For more advanced creativity, the addition of curved roof designs and specified furniture dimensions would be fantastic. This ensures your plans are as accurate as possible and can bring your vision to life.

Smooth Operation

Floor Plan Creator runs smoothly on mobile devices and doesn't bombard you with annoying ads. This makes the experience pleasant and lets you focus on your design without interruptions. The app even includes a 3D view mode, which is a bit tricky to handle at first but becomes easy with practice.

Subscription and Support

Though the app offers a full subscription option, some users have experienced difficulties with printing and saving their designs. Quick and helpful responses from the developer have addressed these issues efficiently. If you encounter any problems, you can expect prompt support.

Ideal for Home Projects

If you're working on home construction or remodeling, Floor Plan Creator is an excellent aid. It allows you to visualize spaces with furniture and fixtures, making it easier to plan layouts. The app's easy-to-use interface and helpful features make it indispensable for such projects.

Blueprinting Made Fun

This tool is not just practical; it's enjoyable too. Whether you're designing small kitchens, apartments, or a new house, Floor Plan Creator makes the process fun. The app lets you challenge yourself with blueprinting tasks, allowing you to test your design skills.

Creative Outlets

Beyond practical uses, Floor Plan Creator offers a creative outlet for users. You can map out real-life areas and arrange furniture accordingly, making it both practical and relaxing. Adding options like better grass textures or driveway and walkway materials could further enhance the creative experience.

Design Challenges

For those who enjoy design challenges, the app allows free placement of objects, even those typically constrained to walls like doors and windows. This flexibility enables more accurate rendering of ideas and opens up more possibilities for creative design.

Overall, Floor Plan Creator is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to design their spaces easily and effectively. Its smooth operation, customization options, and creative outlets make it a top choice for personal and professional use.


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Floor Plan Creator for PC

Floor Plan Creator for PC

Floor Plan Creator lets you create, edit and share floor plans easily.