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Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker for PC

Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker for PC

Manage your progress in the board game Gloomhaven
Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker PC screenshot

Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker: The Ultimate Companion App for Gloomhaven

If you're a fan of the popular board game Gloomhaven, then you know just how immersive and complex the game can be. With so many characters, quests, and events to keep track of, it can be overwhelming to manage everything on your own. That's where the Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker app comes in. This fantastic companion app is designed to make your Gloomhaven experience even better by providing you with all the tools you need to keep track of your campaign, characters, and more. Let's take a closer look at what this app has to offer.

Manage Multiple Campaigns and Players with Ease

The Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker app is a game-changer when it comes to managing multiple campaigns and players. Whether you're playing with a single group or have multiple parties going at once, this app has got you covered. You can store and track information for all your campaigns and players in one convenient place. No more flipping through pages of notes or struggling to remember which quests you've completed. With this app, everything is organized and easily accessible.

Automated Unlocking and Editing

One of the best features of the Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker app is its automated unlocking and editing capabilities. Most unlocks in the game are automated, saving you time and effort. You can also edit and customize information as needed, ensuring that everything is accurate and up to date. Say goodbye to manual tracking on paper and hello to a more streamlined and efficient way of managing your Gloomhaven campaign.

Reminders and Notifications

Keeping track of goals and milestones in Gloomhaven can be challenging, but with the Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker app, you'll never miss a beat. The app provides reminders and notifications for important events, such as donations to the sanctuary, new items in the market, or the opening of envelopes. This feature helps you stay on top of your campaign and ensures that you don't overlook any crucial details.


Q: Can I use the Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker app for remote play?

A: While the app doesn't have a built-in share function, you can still track your progress with friends who are playing remotely by using tabletop simulator or other similar tools.

Q: Is there a way to track battle goals in the app?

A: Currently, the app doesn't have a feature for drawing battle goals. However, this doesn't detract from its overall functionality and convenience.

Q: I encountered a bug when trying to mark a scenario as completed. Will this be fixed?

A: The developers are constantly working to improve the app and address any issues that arise. Rest assured that they are aware of this bug and will release a fix in a future update.

Q: Can I populate treasures for completed levels automatically?

A: Currently, you'll need to manually fill in the treasures for completed levels. However, this minor inconvenience doesn't diminish the overall usefulness of the app.


The Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker app is a must-have for any Gloomhaven enthusiast. With its user-friendly interface, automated features, and comprehensive campaign management tools, it takes the game to a whole new level. Say goodbye to the hassle of paper tracking and hello to a more organized and enjoyable gaming experience. Download the Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker app today and take your Gloomhaven adventures to new heights!


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Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker for PC

Gloomhaven Campaign Tracker for PC

Manage your progress in the board game Gloomhaven