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Ice Lakes for PC

Ice Lakes for PC

Ice Lakes is the ultimate open world ice fishing simulator.
Ice Lakes PC screenshot

Ice Lakes: The Coolest Fishing Game for Your Cell Phone

Ice Lakes is a one-of-a-kind fishing game that offers a unique and immersive ice fishing experience right on your cell phone. With its stunning graphics and realistic gameplay, this game is sure to keep you hooked for hours on end. Let's dive into the exciting features that make Ice Lakes the ultimate fishing game.

Explore and Mark Your Fishing Spots

Ice Lakes allows you to explore various ice-covered lakes and mark your favorite fishing spots. The game intelligently highlights the areas where you've had successful catches, making it easier for you to find the hotspots and reel in those trophy fish. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a beginner, this feature is incredibly helpful in maximizing your chances of success.

A Wide Range of Tournaments and Fishing Options

Get ready to test your fishing skills in a variety of tournaments and fishing modes. Ice Lakes offers short tournaments, long tournaments, and everything in between. Whether you prefer a quick fishing session or an intense competition, this game has got you covered. Additionally, you can enjoy free fishing to earn some extra cash and unlock new gear.

An Array of Fish Species to Catch

Ice Lakes boasts an impressive collection of fish species, ensuring that every fishing trip is filled with excitement and variety. From trout to pike, you'll encounter a diverse range of fish as you explore different lakes. The game's attention to detail in recreating the behavior and characteristics of each species adds to the realism and thrill of the gameplay.

Absence of Ads for an Uninterrupted Experience

One of the standout features of Ice Lakes is the absence of ads. Unlike many other mobile games, Ice Lakes offers an uninterrupted fishing experience without any intrusive advertisements. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the game and enjoy the serene beauty of the ice-covered lakes without any distractions.


Ice Lakes is undoubtedly the coolest fishing game available for your cell phone. With its realistic gameplay, stunning graphics, and a wide range of features, it provides an immersive ice fishing experience like no other. Whether you're a fishing enthusiast or simply looking for a fun and relaxing game, Ice Lakes is a must-try.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I play Ice Lakes on my console?

As of now, Ice Lakes is exclusively available for cell phones. However, if the game were to be released for consoles in the future, it would definitely be a worthwhile purchase.

2. Are there any plans for updates and new features?

The developers are constantly working on improving Ice Lakes and adding new updates. While we cannot provide specific details, rest assured that the game will continue to evolve with exciting new features.

3. Is Ice Lakes available in multiplayer mode?

Currently, Ice Lakes does not offer an online multiplayer mode. However, the game provides a rich single-player experience that will keep you entertained for hours.

4. Does Ice Lakes have any freezing or glitching issues?

While Ice Lakes generally provides a smooth gaming experience, some players have reported occasional freezing issues, especially when catching large fish. However, these minor glitches do not significantly impact the overall enjoyment of the game.

5. Can I expect more fishing gear and species in future updates?

The developers are aware of the demand for additional fishing gear and species. While we cannot guarantee specific updates, it is highly likely that future updates will introduce new gear and expand the variety of fish species in the game.


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Ice Lakes for PC

Ice Lakes for PC

Ice Lakes is the ultimate open world ice fishing simulator.