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Ishtar Commander for Destiny 2 for PC

Ishtar Commander for Destiny 2 for PC

Puts the Destiny vault right into your hands
Ishtar Commander for Destiny 2 PC screenshot

Ishtar Commander for Destiny 2: The Ultimate Companion App

Destiny 2 players, rejoice! Ishtar Commander is here to revolutionize your gaming experience. This companion app is not only the best-looking app for Destiny 2, but it also feels like it's straight from the game itself. With its sleek design and intuitive interface, Ishtar Commander is far more organized than the Official App, making it the preferred choice for many players.

Effortless Inventory Management

One of the standout features of Ishtar Commander is its ability to instantly move weapons and armor between your vault and characters. This makes inventory management a breeze, allowing you to equip your favorite gear with just a few taps. Say goodbye to tedious trips to the bank and hello to seamless gameplay.

Furthermore, Ishtar Commander provides great access for viewing all characters. Whether you want to check your stats, review your loadouts, or simply admire your collection, this app has got you covered. It's perfect for players who want a comprehensive overview of their Destiny 2 progress.

Unparalleled User-Friendliness

Ishtar Commander stands out from the competition with its user-friendly interface and smooth performance. Unlike other companion apps, Ishtar Commander is designed to be simple and easy to navigate. You won't find any clutter or confusing menus here. Everything is laid out in a logical manner, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Additionally, Ishtar Commander allows you to set up loadouts and equip them with the press of a button. This feature is a game-changer, as it saves you precious time and eliminates the need to constantly visit the bank. Now you can change loadouts and transfer items on the fly, without interrupting your gameplay.

Constant Improvement and Support

The developers behind Ishtar Commander are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for Destiny 2 players. They actively listen to user feedback and continuously update the app to address any bugs or issues. The commitment to improvement is evident, making Ishtar Commander a reliable and trustworthy companion app.

While Ishtar Commander may not have all the features of other companion apps like DIM, it offers a unique blend of functionality and simplicity that many players appreciate. Its focus on inventory management and loadout customization sets it apart from the rest.


Ishtar Commander for Destiny 2 is the ultimate companion app for any dedicated player. With its stunning design, effortless inventory management, and unparalleled user-friendliness, it enhances the Destiny 2 experience to new heights. Say goodbye to clunky interfaces and hello to a seamless gameplay experience. Download Ishtar Commander today and take your Destiny 2 journey to the next level!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Ishtar Commander available for both iOS and Android?

Yes, Ishtar Commander is available for both iOS and Android devices. You can download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.

2. Can I use Ishtar Commander to pick up bounties?

Currently, Ishtar Commander does not have the ability to pick up bounties. However, the developers are constantly working on updates and improvements, so this feature may be added in the future.

3. Why can't I see stats on Deep Stone Crypt armor and weapons?

If you're experiencing issues with classified stats on Deep Stone Crypt armor and weapons, it's likely a bug that the developers are aware of. They are actively working on a fix to resolve this issue.

4. Does Ishtar Commander have any ads or in-app purchases?

No, Ishtar Commander is completely ad-free and does not have any in-app purchases. It's a free app that focuses solely on enhancing your Destiny 2 gameplay experience.

5. How often is Ishtar Commander updated?

The developers of Ishtar Commander are committed to providing regular updates to improve the app's functionality and address any bugs or issues. Updates are released periodically to ensure the best possible user experience.


Download Ishtar Commander for Destiny 2

Ishtar Commander for Destiny 2 for PC

Ishtar Commander for Destiny 2 for PC

Puts the Destiny vault right into your hands