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Methodist Hymnal for PC

Methodist Hymnal for PC

The Methodist Hymn Book as used by the Methodist Church
Methodist Hymnal PC screenshot

Introducing the Methodist Hymnal App: A Convenient Companion for Worship

Are you tired of flipping through pages of hymnals during church services? Do you wish there was a more convenient way to access your favorite hymns? Look no further than the Methodist Hymnal app! With its user-friendly interface and extensive collection of hymns, this app is the perfect companion for your spiritual journey.

Unlocking the Power of the Methodist Hymnal

The Methodist Hymnal app offers a range of features that enhance your worship experience. One of the standout features is the ability to search for hymn lyrics using just the first line. No longer do you need to know the hymn number; simply type in a line from the hymn, and the app will bring up the matching lyrics. It's a game-changer for those who want to quickly find a specific hymn without any hassle.

Another notable feature of the app is its offline functionality. Once you've downloaded your favorite hymns, you can access them anytime, anywhere, even without an internet connection. This means you can have your entire Methodist Hymnal library right at your fingertips, whether you're in church, on a retreat, or simply seeking solace in the comfort of your own home.

Expanding Possibilities with Future Updates

The developers of the Methodist Hymnal app are constantly working to improve and expand its offerings. While the current version already exceeds expectations, there are exciting plans for future updates. Users can look forward to the inclusion of the Methodist Liturgy and Order of Services, which will further enhance the app's value as a comprehensive worship companion.

Additionally, the developers are considering the possibility of introducing a marking or highlighting feature for favorite hymns. This would allow users to personalize their hymnal experience and add a touch of beauty to their worship. It's these thoughtful additions that make the Methodist Hymnal app a step beyond excellence.


In conclusion, the Methodist Hymnal app is a game-changer for those who seek a more convenient and accessible way to engage with their favorite hymns. With its intuitive search function, offline capabilities, and future plans for expansion, this app truly stands out as a must-have for any Methodist worshipper.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use the Methodist Hymnal app offline?

Yes! The app allows you to download your favorite hymns and access them even without an internet connection.

2. Will the app include the Methodist Liturgy and Order of Services in the future?

Yes, the developers are working on incorporating the Methodist Liturgy and Order of Services in a future update, making the app an even more comprehensive worship companion.

3. Can I mark or highlight my favorite hymns in the app?

While this feature is not currently available, the developers are considering adding the ability to mark or highlight favorite hymns in a future update, allowing users to personalize their hymnal experience.

4. Is the Methodist Hymnal app available on both Android and iOS?

Yes, the app is available for both Android and iOS devices, ensuring that users can enjoy its benefits regardless of their preferred platform.

5. Are there any plans to remove the ads from the app?

The developers are constantly working to improve the user experience, and while ads may be present in the current version, they are actively exploring ways to make the app even more enjoyable for users.


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Methodist Hymnal for PC

Methodist Hymnal for PC

The Methodist Hymn Book as used by the Methodist Church