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Nepali Bible for PC

Nepali Bible for PC

Nepali Bible android app to access Nepali Holy Bible on the go.
Nepali Bible PC screenshot

Introducing Nepali Bible: The Ultimate Bible App for All Your Spiritual Needs

Are you looking for a comprehensive and user-friendly Bible app that allows you to study the scriptures and enjoy the lyrics of your favorite songs? Look no further than Nepali Bible, the ultimate app that combines the power of the Bible with the convenience of song lyrics. With its recent update, this app has become even more incredible, offering a range of features that will enhance your spiritual journey. Join us as we explore the amazing features of Nepali Bible and how it can revolutionize your Bible study experience.

1. Study the Bible and Enjoy Song Lyrics Simultaneously

Nepali Bible allows you to do both at the same time - study the Bible and immerse yourself in the lyrics of your favorite songs. Whether you're seeking spiritual guidance or simply want to enjoy the uplifting melodies, this app has got you covered. With its user-friendly interface, you can seamlessly switch between reading the scriptures and exploring the rich collection of song lyrics. It's the perfect combination for those who want to deepen their faith while embracing the joy of music.

2. A Top-Tier Update for an Enhanced Experience

The recent update of Nepali Bible has taken the app to a whole new level. Users have expressed their excitement and satisfaction with this top-tier update. The developers at Agape Group have truly outdone themselves, delivering a version that exceeds expectations. The update has been eagerly awaited by many, and it has certainly lived up to the hype. With improved features and enhanced functionality, Nepali Bible is now better than ever before.

3. A One-Stop Solution for Bible Study and Worship

Nepali Bible is not just a Bible app - it's a one-stop solution for all your spiritual needs. In addition to providing a comprehensive Bible study experience, the app also offers bhajans, choruses, and audio versions for those who prefer listening over reading. This makes it accessible to individuals of all backgrounds, including those who may not be fluent readers. The app truly caters to the diverse needs of its users, ensuring that everyone can engage with the scriptures in a way that resonates with them.


Nepali Bible is a game-changer in the world of Bible apps. With its seamless integration of Bible study and song lyrics, it offers a unique and enriching experience for users. The recent update has elevated the app to new heights, making it a top-tier choice for those seeking a comprehensive and user-friendly app. Whether you're a devoted Bible reader or someone looking to explore the scriptures in a fresh and engaging way, Nepali Bible has something for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use Nepali Bible on iOS devices?

A: Unfortunately, Nepali Bible is currently only available for Android devices. However, the developers are constantly working to expand its compatibility, so keep an eye out for future updates.

Q: Why does the Android version sometimes stop while searching for verses?

A: We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The developers are aware of this issue and are actively working on a solution. In the meantime, we recommend closing and reopening the app if you encounter any difficulties.

Q: Is there a font size option for bhajans?

A: At the moment, there is no font size option specifically for bhajans. However, the developers are always open to feedback and suggestions for improvement. Your input is valuable, and they will consider adding this feature in future updates.

Experience the power of Nepali Bible today and embark on a spiritual journey like never before. Download the app and let it guide you on your path to faith and enlightenment. Praise the Lord!


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Nepali Bible for PC

Nepali Bible for PC

Nepali Bible android app to access Nepali Holy Bible on the go.