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School Planner for PC

School Planner for PC

School Planner has arrived – are you ready to throw away your paper diary?
School Planner PC screenshot

School Planner: The Ultimate App for Organized Students

Are you tired of juggling multiple tasks, deadlines, and assignments? Look no further than School Planner, the ultimate app designed to keep students organized and on top of their academic life. With its array of features and user-friendly interface, this app is a game-changer for students of all ages.

Stay Organized with Ease

School Planner offers a comprehensive set of tools to help you stay organized and manage your academic life effectively. From managing your grades and classes to keeping track of clubs and exams, this app has got you covered. With just a few taps, you can create a personalized agenda, timetable, and planner, all in one place.

One of the standout features of School Planner is its affordability. Unlike other apps that require expensive yearly subscriptions, School Planner offers a one-time purchase option that won't break the bank. For a fraction of the cost, you can enjoy all the benefits of a premium app.

One user raves, "I bought School Planner at the beginning of the school year, and it has been a game-changer. It tells me when my next class starts, what assignments are due, and even provides me with information about my teachers and their office hours. It's like having a personal assistant in my pocket!"

Simplicity at Its Best

With its minimalist design and intuitive interface, School Planner is simple to use and navigate. The app offers a range of features that are essential for every student. From managing your study time to keeping track of your grades, exams, and homework, this app has it all.

The app also offers a customizable widget that allows you to have all your important information at a glance. "I love how minimalist the widget is," says one user. "It's a great way to stay on top of my schedule without having to open the app every time."

While the app may feel a bit overwhelming at first, it doesn't take long to get the hang of it. Soon enough, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.


1. Can I have multiple reminders?

Unfortunately, School Planner currently does not support multiple reminders. However, the app works best when notifications are enabled, ensuring you never miss an important deadline or class.

2. Is there a way to clear the agenda?

If you're looking to reset your agenda, you'll be pleased to know that School Planner offers a simple solution. By accessing the settings, you can easily clear your agenda and start fresh.

3. Is there a PC or laptop version available?

While School Planner does not have a dedicated PC or laptop version, there is a laptop version available with limited features compared to the mobile version. However, the developers are continuously working on expanding the features for the laptop version to provide users with a seamless experience across all devices.

4. How do I switch between dark and light mode?

Switching between dark and light mode is a breeze. Simply navigate to the settings menu, and you'll find the option to customize the app's appearance according to your preference.

In Conclusion

School Planner is a must-have app for students looking to stay organized and on top of their academic life. With its array of features, user-friendly interface, and affordable pricing, it's no wonder why this app has garnered rave reviews from users worldwide. Say goodbye to sticky notes and scattered schedules, and say hello to a more organized and stress-free student life with School Planner.


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School Planner for PC

School Planner for PC

School Planner has arrived – are you ready to throw away your paper diary?