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Through the Word App for PC

Through the Word App for PC

The five-star daily Bible app that walks you through every chapter. Updated!
Through the Word App PC screenshot

Discover a New Way to Engage with the Bible: Through the Word App

Are you looking for a fresh and exciting way to dive into the Word of God? Look no further than the Through the Word App! This incredible app offers a unique approach to studying the Bible, making it accessible and enjoyable for both beginners and seasoned believers. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, you'll find yourself drawn into the Scriptures like never before.

Unveiling the Features

The Through the Word App is packed with features that will revolutionize your Bible study experience. Let's take a closer look at what this app has to offer:

1. Comprehensive Exposition

One of the standout features of this app is its book-by-book exposition of the Bible. Led by Pastor Kris and his friends, each book, chapter, and verse is broken down in a way that helps you grasp the profound messages of God. Whether you're a beginner or have been reading the Bible for years, this app acts as your personal tutor, guiding you through the Scriptures with clarity and insight.

2. Multiple Versions and Readers

The Through the Word App caters to diverse preferences by offering various Bible versions and readers. You can choose the version that resonates with you the most, allowing you to connect with the Word of God on a deeper level. Additionally, the different readers bring a fresh perspective to the text, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of the Scriptures.

3. Daily Reading Plans

Do you struggle with deciding what part of the Bible to read each day? This app has got you covered! With its thoughtfully curated daily reading plans, you no longer have to jump around, grasping only bits and pieces of the Word. Instead, you'll have a clear plan to follow, ensuring that you engage with the Scriptures in a systematic and fulfilling way.

A Life-Changing Experience

The Through the Word App has touched the lives of countless individuals, bringing them closer to Jesus and deepening their understanding of the Bible. Users have reported spiritual awakenings, newfound excitement for daily Scripture reading, and a greater appreciation for God's Word.

One user shares, "I have been reading the Bible for a long time, but never have I experienced the Bible in this kind of way! Since I downloaded and signed into the app, I have not only opened it up to read and understand the Word of God, but I have been excited to do so every single morning! It feels really great to be excited about God's Word!"

Another user expresses their gratitude, saying, "I have used so many good Bible apps, but this one is my best. It's perfect for beginners and also busy people who want to study the Bible without being overwhelmed. I've been looking for this audio option like forever. Nice one!"


If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey through the Bible, the Through the Word App is the perfect companion. With its comprehensive exposition, multiple versions and readers, and daily reading plans, this app will revolutionize your Bible study experience. Say goodbye to confusion and overwhelm, and say hello to a deeper understanding of God's Word.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use the Through the Word App even if I'm new to the Bible?

Absolutely! The app is designed to cater to both beginners and seasoned believers. The comprehensive exposition and user-friendly interface make it easy for anyone to engage with the Scriptures.

2. Can I access the Through the Word App in languages other than English?

Currently, the app is available in English. However, the team behind Through the Word is constantly working to expand its reach. Stay tuned for updates on translations and language options!

3. How can I share this app with my non-English-speaking friends?

While the app is currently only available in English, you can still recommend it to your friends. Encourage them to explore the app and keep an eye out for future translations. The transformative teachings and comprehensive exposition are worth sharing!


Download Through the Word App

Through the Word App for PC

Through the Word App for PC

The five-star daily Bible app that walks you through every chapter. Updated!