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Ultimate Gamepad for PC

Ultimate Gamepad for PC

Turn you phone into a multitouch joystick! Compatible with PC, Mac and Linux.
Ultimate Gamepad PC screenshot

Introducing Ultimate Gamepad: The Ultimate Gaming Companion

Are you tired of playing games on your laptop or PC with a mouse and keyboard? Do you wish you had a controller that could give you the same smoothness and accuracy as a console controller? Look no further than Ultimate Gamepad, the best free app on the market for turning your phone or tablet into a gamepad.

Unleash Your Gaming Potential

With Ultimate Gamepad, you can experience gaming like never before. Say goodbye to lag and hello to seamless gameplay. Whether you're playing PES 2015 or Call of Duty, this app has got you covered. The input is accurate, and the controls work just like a normal controller, making it easy to navigate through your favorite games.

One of the standout features of Ultimate Gamepad is its smoothness. Many users have tried other apps in search of the same level of performance, but nothing compares to the smoothness of Ultimate Gamepad. It allows you to hit many buttons at once without any lag, giving you the ultimate gaming experience.

Enhance Your Gaming Experience

Ultimate Gamepad is not just for single-player games. It also offers a great multiplayer experience. You can connect multiple devices and play games together, whether it's with your friends or your significant other. Imagine playing a game while your girlfriend uses potions and skills to support you. It truly adds a new dimension to multiplayer gaming.

Furthermore, Ultimate Gamepad is compatible with a wide range of devices. Whether you have an HTC Evo 4G Design or a 5" phone, this app will work seamlessly for you. It also supports both Bluetooth and WiFi connections, giving you the flexibility to choose the best option for your gaming needs.

Future Improvements and Customization

Ultimate Gamepad is constantly evolving to meet the needs of its users. The developers are dedicated to providing the best gaming experience possible and are always working on new features and improvements. While the app is still in beta, it has already garnered rave reviews for its functionality and ease of use.

One feature that users have requested is the ability to customize the controls for different games. The developers are actively working on adding this option, so you can save custom remotes for different games. This will make it even easier for you to switch between games without having to reconfigure the controls every time.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use Ultimate Gamepad on my Mac?

Yes, Ultimate Gamepad is compatible with Mac devices. Simply download the app and follow the easy setup process to start gaming on your Mac in no time.

2. How do I connect multiple devices for multiplayer gaming?

To connect multiple devices, ensure that all devices are connected to the same WiFi network. Open the app on each device, and they will automatically detect each other. Follow the on-screen instructions to establish a connection and start playing together.

3. Can I use Ultimate Gamepad with games that require motion support?

Currently, Ultimate Gamepad does not support motion control. However, the developers are actively working on adding this feature in a future update. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

4. Are there any plans to make the controls larger?

Yes, the developers have received feedback regarding the size of the controls, especially for tablet users. They are working on adding an option to increase the size of the controls, making it easier to use and minimizing the chances of pressing the wrong button.

5. Is Ultimate Gamepad available for iOS devices?

Currently, Ultimate Gamepad is only available for Android devices. The developers are considering expanding to iOS in the future, but there is no official timeline for this yet.

In Conclusion

Ultimate Gamepad is the ultimate companion for gamers who want to take their gaming experience to the next level. With its seamless performance, smooth controls, and multiplayer capabilities, this app is a game-changer. While it may still be in beta, it has already proven to be the best app on the market for turning your phone or tablet into a gamepad. Download Ultimate Gamepad today and unleash your gaming potential!


Download Ultimate Gamepad

Ultimate Gamepad for PC

Ultimate Gamepad for PC

Turn you phone into a multitouch joystick! Compatible with PC, Mac and Linux.